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How To: Antiracism for Children

Writer's picture: Dr. DowtinDr. Dowtin

Updated: May 26, 2021

Something happened last Fall 2020. On the heels of Black Lives Matter Summer, everyone, every organization that was afraid to be lumped into the label of systemic racism, jumped to have presentations, webinars, book clubs, you name it on the topics of race, racism, injustice, and social justice. It was an awakening, or a performative hoax to not lose too many customers. You decide. Either way, we all found ourselves bombarded by these events. Personally and professionally, it was hard for me to see all of that unfolding because many of those events were not actually rooted in the pursuit of allyship. Let me explain what I mean.


It was like being on a roller coaster. From the time I was in high school, I started learning about the history of racism in American outside of my lived experiences as a racialized person. I began diving deep into Black history in the US. I switched from the fiction novels that were authored by White people and assigned as supposed classics and literary greats. Instead, I read books, research articles and anything else by Black people that I could get in my grasp. I was both shocked and excited to learn about my people from my people. The shock was the fact that all of this information existed and yet it was purposely withheld from my learning. The deeper I traveled in my quest for knowledge about the history of the Black community, the closer I came to understanding anti-Blackness, only I did not have the words for it until more recently.

In college, my first term paper was on the politics surrounding Black women’s hair. Again, I had not yet stumbled across the verbiage of respectability politics or intersectionality, nevertheless, my paper built on the foundation of those very things. By graduate school, my scholarship into my heritage was in full force. I conducted my graduate thesis on bullying among Black pre-adolescent girls by exploring their feelings about their skin color, hair texture and self-esteem. My research study allowed me to learn about the depths of colorism and the racist obsession with Eurocentric beauty standards being thrust upon Black people in the US since 1619. I have since presented on race and racism in the US with a focus on its effects in the Black community since 2012. As I learn, unpack my own stuff, and make mistakes, I just keep learning.


However, when I saw all of the events popping up in the Summer and Fall of 2020, I noticed something striking. Many of the people being asked to present were White people who had little or no expertise on social justice or racial equity. Worse yet, in many instances keynote presenters who were White, were being paid honoraria for their time and knowledge. In contrast, many Black scholars were being asked to volunteer their time. Now, it is perfectly appropriate to volunteer for causes for which one has passion. At the same time, there need not be an imbalance between who is asked to volunteer and who is paid for their time. The existence of that imbalance is an example of racism.

African American Policy Forum Graphic from Instagram

Furthermore, I noticed gender differences among presenters. I noticed how many presenters were Black women. This is striking because Black women collectively are among the most educated people in the US and have the highest student loan debt, while being significantly unpaid across fields. So when I see that Black people were less likely to be paid for their time and knowledge, I see the underlying racism that exists. Don't you?

African American Policy Forum

This past Summer, late in the Summer, I attended a town hall that was supposed to be in response to the growing Black Lives Matter Global Network movement as a result of the murder of George Floyd. This town hall proceeded by having us watch part of a clip where to white women discuss race and racism. Either no one saw that set up was problematic or no one was willing to bring it to light. I started typing in the message box trying to share ideas and resources to people without condemning the design of the town hall. I also offered my email address so that I didn't monopolize the chat function.

Through that exchange, two major thing happened. First, several people reached out to me for more support and resources, to which I supplied at no cost. My only request was that they donate to the National Black Child Development Institute any amount they would have given me. I ended up making a great professional connection with someone and the two of us are still in communication. Second, I was invited to be on a panel for the organization that hosted the town hall. Their setup was going to be where the full video of two white women talking about race would be shown and then the panelists would discuss it. At the time that I was invited, the panel had two White people, one White Latina (I read bio on her website), and one person who did not have her identity in her bio. Based on how she looked, I would have said she looked racially ambiguous. I wasn't able to attend their first meeting, since it was a very last minute invitation so they uninvited me. I responded with hoping they were adding other Black panelists who are knowledgeable about the topic. I also told them that it wasn't appropriate that they were supposedly responding to anti-Blackness by having a mostly non-Black panel and watching two White people. I left it there.


Maybe a month or two later in the Fall, I learned of a colleague who was invited to present on helping children through an anti-racist framework. She is White and didn't feel it was appropriate for her to present on the topic alone. She invited me. We started building our content and discussing our program design. I asked the hosting organization if the webinar would be open to the public because I wanted to invite my students, some of whom are Deaf. Initially, they said yes. Eventually, they said no and canceled the event stating that I had violated the agreement by requiring Deaf students to attend. They said that they couldn't pay for American Sign Language (ASL) interpreters and that their webinar was designed for their local community. Um, I used to live in their community and knew Deaf parents, teachers, and clinicians who could benefit from our presentation.

It was not lost on me that I was the only Black person or person from a marginalized community that was involved in this conversation, and I was the scapegoat. From their perspective, it was all my fault that the webinar couldn't proceed. They then went on to say that they have people from many different backgrounds and they can't afford to provide interpreters for all of them, so Deaf people weren't the only ones being excluded. So, which was it? Deaf people weren't being excluded because there weren't any Deaf people in that community or Deaf people were being equally excluded when compared to other people who use a native language other than English. Seemed to me that they contradicted their own argument and blamed their ableism and racism on me, the Black woman.


Dr. Dowtin and & Dr. Amanda presenting All Up in My Race with an aquamarine blue background with purple trim
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I didn't want to give up on this webinar or a similar webinar, and I made a vow to have my webinars accessible to Deaf people. I am happy to announce that on March 23, 2021 at 7:00 PM eastern time, I will be co-presenting an even better webinar on the topic of helping children through emotional experiences from an anti-racist framework, entitled: All Up in My Race: Fostering Emotional Intelligence in Children

This webinar will be interpreted in ASL and have live Spanish interpretation as well (I'm unsure if the Spanish will be spoken or read). Our hosts, Gallaudet University Psychology Colloquium Series and Rehabilitation Psychology were also able to provide APA continuing education units free for attendees.

Here's a snapshot of what to expect.

Participants will be able to:

3️⃣ Describe three developmental stages of understanding race as a concept from infancy through childhood

3️⃣ Identify at least 3 antiracist responses for children

1️⃣ Define a racist idea

•👀 Recognize at least one way the intersection of race and hearing status impacts Deaf and Hard of Hearing children

💜 Validate a child’s emotional response while deconstructing a racist idea


Racialized children have experienced discrimination and harsh punishments due to implicit racist beliefs that remain current today. The intersection of race with other human characteristics, such as gender and ability, further complicate how children are treated and understand their world. While many caregivers and providers aim to encourage healthy social-emotional expression, the truth is that depending on race and intersecting identities, not all children are allowed to express all emotions without harmful consequences. For example, Black girls are more likely to be suspended from schools than most girls from various racial groups. Black Deaf children are less likely to graduate high school than White Deaf children. Moreover, Black Deaf women and Deaf plus people receive lower salaries and are underemployed, suggesting that racial equities in childhood persist. Therefore, there is a need for adults to learn how the concept of race develops for children and the role that adults play in creation of racist beliefs. This webinar contains inclusive conversations and skill-building strategies for parents, caregivers, early interventionists, psychologists, counselors, and educators of young children ages birth to 10-years-old.

Registration has passed.

Contact with questions.

Meet the Presenters:

LaTrice L. Dowtin, PhD., LCPC, NCSP, RPT:

Dr. Dowtin is a Black cisgender woman who believes in the ongoing pursuit of humility and social justice. She has dual certifications in mental health fields including counseling and psychology. Dr. Dowtin is a licensed clinical professional counselor, nationally certified school psychologist, and a registered play therapist who specializes in perinatal, NICU, and trauma populations with a special focus on culturally, racially, and linguistically marginalized people. She is fluent in English, proficient in American Sign Language, and is currently the Co-Director of the Infants, Toddlers, and Families graduate program at Gallaudet University where she also teaches.

In addition to spending more than 11 years as a preschool teacher and early childhood center director, Dr. Dowtin was educated at Bowie State University, which is Maryland's oldest Historically Black University where the focus of anti-racism is deeply embedded throughout the curriculum. Following school psychology and counselor training at BSU, Dr. Dowtin continued learning clinical psychology at Gallaudet University where she had the opportunity to train at Children’s National in their child development clinic conducting consultation in the NICU and neonatal follow-up assessments for a predominantly Black community. Dr. Dowtin's additional training at the Lourie Center for Children's Social Emotional Wellness afforded her with the opportunity to support infants, toddlers and preschoolers with severe trauma backgrounds while working with children and families at the Kennedy Krieger Institute in Baltimore City, Maryland. She then completed a clinical psychology doctoral internship at Tulane University School of Medicine with a focus on families and infant mental health for trauma survivors in the city of New Orleans. Following internship, Dr. Dowtin completed a Postdoctoral Fellowship at Stanford University in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) focusing on parental and infant mental health. Since 2019, she has been an active member of the National Perinatal Association in conjunction with the National Network of NICU Psychologists (NNNP). Through NNNP, Dr. Dowtin is the Co-Chair of the Training and Education Committee dedicated to educating the next generation of practitioners in anti-racism and cultural responsiveness. She is also a published researcher and author with several book chapters and peer-reviewed journal articles on topics related to NICU, parental mental health, and racial justice for young Black children.

Currently in private practice, Dr. Dowtin is the owner and a clinician at PlayfulLeigh Psyched, which is a telehealth practice serving infants, families, and survivors of trauma in Maryland and Florida since 2018. PlayfulLeigh Psyched works from a social justice and trauma-based framework. Given her background, training, and lived experiences as a Black woman in the US, Dr. Dowtin is passionate about eradicating racial injustices for historically marginalized populations, disrupting the generational transmission of trauma, and facilitating healthy social-emotional development from conception through adulthood.

Amanda N’zi, Ph.D.:

Dr. N’zi (In-zee) is a White cisgender woman with a passion for helping children and families navigate emotions in ways that strengthen their connection. Dr. N’zi is a licensed clinical psychologist in Denver, Colorado where she focuses on providing therapeutic services as the director of her private practice, Growing Together Child and Family Therapy. Dr. N’zi specializes in childhood trauma, anxiety, emotional coaching, and the parent-child relationship.

Dr. N’zi earned her doctoral degree in Clinical and Health Psychology at the University of Florida, specializing in child and pediatric psychology. She completed a clinical psychology doctoral internship at the University of Oklahoma as well as the International Training Program in Child Abuse and Neglect. Dr. N’zi completed a 2-year endowed, post-doctoral fellowship at the Kempe Center for the Prevention and Treatment of Child Abuse and Neglect at the University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus. Dr. N’zi has held clinical and research appointments at the University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus in the Department of Rehabilitation and Pediatrics. Three years ago, Dr. N’zi founded her private practice and, in addition to seeing therapy patients, she trains providers and mental health workers in Parent Child Interaction Therapy as well as resiliency and trauma-based principles.

During her postdoctoral training, Dr. N’zi completed a course on implicit bias in response to the Black Lives Matter movement that began her education and work in understanding racism and its influence on the practice of psychology and child development. Since this time, she has dedicated herself to the ongoing education and re-education of her racist ideas and implicit biases. She is committed to advancing antiracist work and cultural humility through scholarship, advocacy, and clinical practice.


I thought it would be appropriate to share these tidbits as we all prepare for the upcoming trial for George Floyd's lynching, and as we still ask for justice for Breonna Taylor and some many others. If we can't learn how to support children in ways that are anti-racist, we can't expect the future to be anything more than a repeat of current and past times. Let's do better folks.

Wishing you the presence of play in your day.


Dr. Dowtin


Therapist in Training
Apr 18, 2021

This was an amazing training! I really appreciated how Dr. Dowtin discussed the intersectionality that creates invisibility for Black girls and Black Deaf children. Dr. Amanda was so vulnerable in discussing her past experiences. I hope there is a part 2!

Dr. Dowtin
Dr. Dowtin
May 03, 2021
Replying to

Thank you so much for attending the training and leaving helpful feedback. I will make sure that Dr. Amanda knows how much her vulnerability impacted you. 😊

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PlayfulLeigh Psyched, a center for social and emotional wellness, is a telehealth based mental health practice founded by Dr. Dowtin in 2018. We specialize in trauma recovery, perinatal mental health, infant/early childhood therapy, and parent coaching. Our services include trauma intervention, individual and family psychotherapy to DC, Maryland, Virginia, Missouri, California and Florida residents. We provide LGPC supervision in DC, Maryland, Virginia, and Missouri, global consultation and live training and education. We are social justice oriented and trauma-focused.


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