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PlayfulLeigh Psyched
Parent Toddler Therapy

PlayfulLeigh Psyched Bubble Wand Logo

Trauma Therapy and Parent Coaching for Infants, Toddlers, and Adults

Online throughout DC, Maryland, Virginia, Missouri, Florida, and California.

Parent-Child Interaction Therapy with Infants and Toddlers

Parent-Child Interaction Therapy with Toddlers (PCIT-T) is an early intervention therapy that involves coaching parents while they interact with their 6 to 30-month-old child. Utilizing play therapy parents are coached in the use of therapeutic parenting practices proven to decrease challenging behaviors, improve children’s language, and encourage young children to follow directions. Parents over-practice the “PRIDE” skills (praise, reflection, imitation, description, and enjoyment) until they obtain goal criteria. 

Parent-child interaction

The therapist observes the caregiver and child together using a webcam while providing live coaching of PCIT skills either on screen (for deaf parents) or using a headset or a bluetooth earbud in the parent's ear (for hearing parents). Parents report feeling more comfortable in their ability to manage their child's emotions because they get live coaching while they are home. This approach helps parents successfully continue with healthy behavior managment strategies long after PCIT graduation!

African American Child with arms crossed
  • Tantrums

  • Aggression (e.g., hitting, biting, pinching)

  • Fussiness (e.g., screaming, whining, crying)

  • Anger, frustration, head-banging

  • Attachment difficulties (e.g., rejection of parent, difficult to comfort)

  • Separation anxiety or withdrawal from parent

  • Developmental concerns (e.g., socioemotional, language problems)

  • Child abuse and neglect

  • Parental stress (e.g., anxiety, dissatisfaction, difficulty coping, lack of confidence)







Latinx Deaf Family and Child with Down Syndrome
Adult using ASL with a child

Caregivers are taught the PRIDE skills: 

Praise, Reflect, Imitate, 

Describe and Enjoyment. These skills promote positive child behaviors. 

Caregivers learn to use effective emotion regulation strategies with their child. The PCIT therapist helps caregivers manage their child’s behaviors in many settings. 

What are the two treament phases of PCIT-T?

Dr. LaTrice L. Dowtin PCIT Therapist
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